Sending Love to FL

I finished up this custom Cuff Bracelet for a customer in Florida. Such a beautiful message she requested. I love making all Cuff Bracelets orders because there is always so much meaning behind each request. The scripture, the love notes, the special dates, the special coordinates… I love it all. If you ever have a question about whether or not your message will fit or if you need help figuring out what to have stamped, just reach out and we’ll be assist however we can!

Just a reminder that we’ve updated our Instagram username to @junghwabyamy. The @amyjunghwa page will now be my personal page. Follow us for sales, updates, all things pretty, and funness.


Junghwa by Amy Stewart

New Instagram Username ✨

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that we’ve updated our Instagram username to @junghwabyamy. If you were already following us, then there won’t be anything else you need to do except keep enjoying the posts. 😉 If you are not following us yet, come on by and check it out. My personal page will be @amyjunghwa. Mostly family and life stuff. Things I wasn’t able to post on my business page. I hope you will all stop and say hello!

Sweet Keepsake Pressies

One of the favorite pieces I worked on this week has been some anniversary pressies from a thoughtful husband. He purchased the Petite Tags Necklace as a gift from him to his wife and these Nanette Bracelets as a gift from their kiddos. I just loved the color combo he chose.

Need help getting your gift together? Feel free to contact us with as many questions as you need answered.


Junghwa by Amy Stewart